(Curcubita Moschata)
This variety tends to do best in drier, warmer locations. It is of fast growth and production since its fruits can be ready in 50-70 days from its germination. Its fruits are dark green and can be picked tender from 8" or up to 16" when ripe and thick.
Calabacín/ Squash "Black Beauty"
SKU: V016
Climate: Direct Sun
Germination: 4-8 days
Depth: 1/2"
Distance: 12"-24""
Harvest: 70 days
Sizes and Prices:
Package (15 seeds approx) $2.001/2 oz (200 seeds approx) $8.00
1 oz (400 seeds approx) $16.00
1/2 lb (3200 seeds approx) $70.00